The HKJC Customer eCentre has been launched, and will offer betting account holders a one-stop self-service platform to manage account profile information, racecourse public venue reservations and other account services applications, anytime and anywhere. This new online service will save customers from queuing, filling in forms or waiting on a customer hotline.

Hkjc betting account
  1. Supported by 9 selected banks.: Registration is required. Please visit any of our Off-Course Betting Branches or Racecourses with the bank card to register the service with a designated Self-Vending Terminal (SVT): Application: Registration Demo: Relevant Functions Demo: After registration, customers can perform instant funds transfer with HKJC EFT via the supporting channels.
  2. Register Online Betting Service. Apply for HKJC FPS Instant EFT. Mobile Betting Apps & Website. Other Online Services. Off-course Betting Branches. 1886 Telebet Automated Services. Telephone Betting.
  3. Any person who forges his/her age or identity shall indemnify The Hong Kong Jockey Club (“the Club”) of all consequences. In registering as a User, the User shall, following the Club's guidelines (if any), devise a login name and online password, and choose login questions.

Hkjc Betting Account

The HKJC Customer eCentre provides self-help services in five categories for betting account holders to handle many functions on their own, including:

  • Profile management: managing customers’ betting account profiles, such as updating their contact information, changing account passwords or checking their eligible betting services;
  • HKJC Apps and fan pages: downloading HKJC’s mobile apps and viewing the Club’s social media pages;
  • HKJC Priority profile overview: checking priority account information (for HKJC Priority Card holders), such as the number of priority coins and privileges;
  • Account services application: submitting a service application relating to the betting account, such as reporting the loss of Electronic Shroff Card and;
  • Raceday bookings: searching or reserving racecourse public venues, or checking upcoming bookings.
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Hkjc Football Bet

Customers can now access the HKJC Customer eCentre at from their mobile phone, tablet or computer by logging in with their betting account. Alternatively, they may go to the Club’s eWin website or HKJC betting apps, including Classic 3-in-1 and Racing Touch, and access the eCentre from there.

Hkjc Club

Hkjc club

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4) Select 'HKJC Betting' 5) Select 'Settings' 6) Select 'Access Point' 7) Select your required Access Point.The above procedures are for reference only. The procedures and related settings would be different for individual handset models. Please refer to the user guide provided by handset manufacturers or mobile service providers for details.